Chemical Peels

Deja You Medical offers chemical peels in Navarre, FL!

Enhance Your Youthful Beauty with Chemical Peels

No matter how conscientious you are about protecting your skin from the environment, free radicals, and UV rays, skin damage can easily happen. It can be difficult to reverse the damage, but thanks to chemical peels, it’s more achievable than ever before.

If you’re concerned about the effects of the environment on your skin, a chemical peel treatment might be just what you need. These cosmetic treatments resurface the skin to reveal a softer layer with a more even tone, a smoother texture, and a brighter, clearer complexion.

What Is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels are very popular skin care treatments that are suitable for every skin type. Using a specially formulated, medical grade peel by the Vitality Institute, we can address a multitude of skin concerns and conditions.

How do chemical peels work?

A carefully formulated solution removes the topmost layer of skin, thereby removing dead, dull, congested skin cells.

New cell creation is stimulated, dermal structures regenerate, and dead skin cells are exfoliated. Peels effectively resurface the skin to produce a healthy complexion and remove damaged skin cells at the same time.

What Are the Three Types of Chemical Peels?

There are three chemical peel types or depths:

  • Light chemical peel
  • Medium chemical peel
  • Deep chemical peel
Which depth of peel is recommended depends on factors like the current condition of the skin that will be treated as well as the skin concerns that are being targeted.

Light Chemical Peel

A light chemical peel is also known as a superficial peel. It removes the outer layer of skin (the epidermis). These peels are appropriate and effective for treating dryness, acne, uneven skin tone, and light wrinkles.

Medium Chemical Peel

A medium chemical peel removes portions of the upper part of the middle layer of skin (dermis) along with skin cells from the outer layer (epidermis). This level of chemical peel treats acne scars, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone issues.

Deep Chemical Peel

A deep chemical peel removes skin cells from deeper within the layers of skin. Doctors may recommend this depth of peel to treat deep wrinkles, precancerous growths, and scars.

Types of VI Peels Offered at Deja You Medical

VI Peel is a type of chemical peel that is used to improve the texture, tone, and clarity of the skin. It is a medical-grade chemical peel that contains a blend of ingredients such as trichloroacetic acid (TCA), salicylic acid, phenol, retinoic acid, and vitamin C.

The VI Peel is designed to treat a variety of skin concerns, including acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles. It works by exfoliating the outermost layer of skin and stimulating collagen production, which can lead to improved skin texture and a more youthful appearance.

VI Peel Precision Plus

Medium depth peel with results in as little as seven days. Treats skin compromised by sun damage, melasma, UViInduced pigmentation, post-inflammatory, and hyperpigmentation (PIH).

VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus

A medium chemical peel removes portions of the upper part of the middle layer of skin (dermis) along with skin cells from the outer layer (epidermis). This level of chemical peel treats acne scars, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone issues.

VI Peel Advanced

Medium depth peel for mature skin with results in as little as seven days. For skin with these concerns: aging skin (Ages 40+), wrinkles, fine lines, loss of elasticity.

VI Peel with ToxBooster™

VI Peel prescribed by your medical professional coupled with a neurotoxin injectable on the same treatment day. Full results in about 14 days. This combination treatment will boost the results of the injectable and increase the production of collagen. This double treatment will also reduce sun damage and improve overall skin texture and tone.

VI Peel Body

Skin concerns don’t just happen to your face. You may have areas of the neck, décolleté, back or legs that would benefit from a chemical peel. VI Peel Body is made just for those areas. Treats skin with these concerns: pigmentation and fine lines, body acne, scars from acne, surgeries, or injuries, stretch marks, sagging skin.

Jan Marini Light Depth Peel

In addition to our line of VI Peels, we offer a light depth peel from the esteemed Jan Marini Skin Research collection. This peel is designed to improve the appearance of fine lines, sun damage, and uneven skin tone. It uses a combination of salicylic acid, resorcinol, and lactic acid to exfoliate the skin and promote cell turnover. Results can be seen within a day or two after treatment, with continued improvements over time as the skin's natural healing process takes place. Depending on the severity of the skin concerns being addressed, the peel may be repeated every two to four weeks for a series of three to six treatments.

It is important to note that while chemical peels are generally considered safe, there are some risks associated with these treatments and they should only be performed by a qualified and experienced medical professional, like those at Deja You Medical. We pre-screen all of our patients to ensure they are a suitable candidate for treatment.

Benefits of Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are effective at removing damage caused by aging, UV rays, acne, and everyday exposure to the environment. By stimulating new tissue growth, they also diminish wrinkles and fine lines, reduce pore size, firm and tighten the skin, and correct pigmentation issues.

After your peel, you can expect many more benefits:

  • Skin can appear younger and less “crepey”
  • Sun damage can be reversed
  • Acne scars can fade
  • Hyperpigmentation can be diminished
  • Uneven skin redness or tone can be corrected
In addition, many patients experience a reduction in red stretch marks as well as diminished melasma.

Where Can a Chemical Peel Be Used?

The benefits of chemical peels are not limited to the face, although the face is the most common treatment area. The neck and hands can also be treated with peels.

What Are Chemical Peel Treatments Like?

When the peel is initially applied, you might feel a tingling sensation. The tingling fades away quickly. In some cases, you will leave your appointment with the peel still on and rinse it off about four hours after your treatment.

We’ll give you a skin peel post-treatment care kit to use. You can resume your normal activities right after your peel, but avoid extreme heat and strenuous exercise for a few days.

Most patients begin peeling on about day three, and the process takes three to four more days. The glowing, healthy skin you’ve been waiting for will be revealed! Some of our patients don’t peel, and that’s perfectly fine. They still see fantastic results!

Chemical Peels in Navarre, FL, at Deja You Medical

Optimal results are possible with just one treatment, but most of our patients achieve desired results in two or three. We recommend peels two to four weeks apart to achieve your dream results. Then, you can schedule maintenance peels every three to six months to keep those results up.

Ready to get started? Schedule your consultation with our team at Deja You Medical today!


location & hours

Deja You Medical

(850) 710-3064
8184 Navarre Pkwy.
Navarre, FL 32566